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General Physiotherapy

Comprehensive and compassionate one-on-one physiotherapy, with a focus on manual therapy, corrective exercise and education

Yes, we do “regular” physiotherapy, too! Our therapists can treat any part of your body, using their Orthopedic skills.

Orthopedic physiotherapy can address many common concerns.

For your first appointment, you will be listened to and heard by your physiotherapist. They want to know your medical history and what has brought you to see them. During your 60-minute initial visit, there is time to:

  • Discuss your current health concerns, medical history, and goals for treatment.
  • Discuss how we can help you feel safe and supported throughout the course of treatment.
  • Conduct a hands-on assessment to evaluate movement patterns, strength, and range of motion issues that may be contributing to your health concerns.
  • Discuss our findings with you and address any questions/concerns you may have.
  • Develop an individualized home exercise program that fits your interests, goals, and schedule.

Follow-up sessions

During your 30, 45- or 60-minute one-on-one follow-up session, we will:

  • Assess your progress and adapt your home exercise program as appropriate.
  • Guide you through exercises that work for you. This is a great time to learn new movement strategies, restore strength and mobility so you can feel more confident exercising at home or in the gym.
  • Offer advice to help you better understand/self-manage your condition.
  • Use hands-on therapy (massage, fascial release work, joint mobilization, etc.) and supports (e.g., supportive taping/bracing) as needed.
  • What we WON’T do: leave you hooked up to machines as we leave the room to treat someone else. You will have our undivided attention for the duration of your appointment time.

What to expect?

Our one-on-one physiotherapy assessments/treatments are multi-faceted but primarily utilize manual techniques and corrective exercise, which offer long-term solutions for our patients.

All exercise programs are tailored to fit YOUR needs, interests, treatment goals, and schedule. We are a team, working together to support your movement goals!


We can help you do what you love without suffering from the aches and pains that seem to be stemming from your activities


We can help prevent injuries by teaching new ways of doing things or optimizing how you are already doing it


We can help improve your performance during activities you are already engaged in. Want to skate faster, jump higher, throw farther? We are here to help!


We can help you recover from injuries, surgeries, or procedures to streamline and maximize your recovery